Adjustments will be made for the best possible outcome depending on the conditions on your lawn.
*Drought protocol will start after 4-6 weeks with no significant amounts of rain and the lawn is dormant. We may route and treat some lawns with sprinklers and or service areas differently as some areas may get more rain than others but generally, if your lawn has gone dormant/not green you should start expecting the changes listed below
- Make customers aware of conditions and of potential changes and how important mowing at the right height with a sharp blade is.
- Slow Treatment Timing in July and August if the lawn is dormant when last applied
- Note: lawns still need food going into and coming out of dormancy.
- Continue to treat weeds as they will try to out-compete the grass.
- Change to drought recovery-friendly formulations/ analysis to activate when watered/rained in to aid in a healthy recovery. Our upgraded fertilizer blends and our drought recovery fertilizer analysis are formulated for optimal results in a dry to drought year.
- This will not harm a dry or dormant lawn. It will only help it recover.
- Stop fertilizer treatments if the lawn is dormant with no significant amounts of rain since the drought recovery-friendly treatment was applied. Weed control may continue.